Monday, November 3, 2008


So Obama wins... what do we do? As Beth has been saying, a private island sounds fabulous. Anyone want to chip in with me? Tucans and tree frogs are guaranteed.

I had to perform my dance comp solo today. It went alright, but it definitely was not a great work of art. I just feel like the movements were meaningless... and I tried to give the piece emotion, but how can you when you're throwing yourself around and talking about missing pages from ancient text? I'm frustrated with my creative insides. I know there is much more inside of me than what has been coming out in class, but I don't know how to get it out. Maybe I'll just have to send a hook down my throat and hoist that goodness up and out of my system. Hmm. Now that's a thought.

I've come to the conclusion that food is overrated... that dieting is overrated... and that we should throw them both out the window. My problems would be truly solved. I am addicted to food, though. Bad days come... I eat. PMS comes... I eat chocolate! Boredom comes... you get the idea. That's really an awful habit to be in. How do we break bad habits, anyway? I have quite a few. I'd like to meet the bad-habit-solution guru and maybe have some tea. That would be a great way to spend my time, rather than eat.

So to conclude, I'm buying a private island, preferably with YOU, where I can gaze at tucans and listen to the tree frogs at night. There won't be any food there though... and don't even think about dieting! And really... we're all going to shove hooks down our throats to bring up some artistic genius! Now that is my idea of how to avoid the coming election doom.


BlackpoolLights said...

I think it's spelled "toucan". ;) Love you.

M. Butterfly said...

Hey Becca!
Dance comp is overrated. It's a class that forces a person to create specific work, which defeats the purpose of creating art-- you can't force creativity.Your moment will come when you aren't worrying about being graded on specific criteria.

I miss you!
Love ya,

Bethany Streng said...

YAY FOR PRIVATE ISLANDS! and dont' give up on food. food is amazing. also, you can't force creativity. sometimes you just go through dry spots. its frustrating but it'll pass.

Brooke Fontoura said...

But, but.. if it's a lovely private island, the first thing I'm wanting is FOOD! Mmm.. I'm hungry now. YAY for being up at 4!

Another Stone in the Creek said...

Just so you know hon, I am moving on that freakin' island with you! Don't you sell that spot to anyone else, but me! I love tucans and tree frogs anyway!