Thursday, February 11, 2010

Those piano tunes and old fingers on the keys are beginning to pang in my heart.

A piercing pang, pang, pang... not a pleasant melody.

To be rid of the piano altogether is ideal.

I am angry though.

Too swollen and furious to even look at a face that knows no limit to love.

My heart is breaking to heal, but a tedious and torturous process it will be.

There is another heart, though, that is willing to wrap itself around my bruises.

In that heart, and in that smile, and in that touch is my security.

Here I am, running to it, like my breath will not continue of I don't.

And it won't.

I know it won't if I don't.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lines and circles

I have lines on my hands
They're all over
I have circles on my desk
They're contained
Twenty-four on one
Thousands on the other
I desire none but have all
The only thing I want
Is a part of the heart on my finger

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I look at that star
and I wonder
I ponder its name
its place
its shape
I'd like to know how long it took
to create
A moment?
Did it make a sound?
was silence the rule?
did He use His hands or just breathe?

While I'm lying here
looking into its brilliance
I ponder
I wonder
Who else can see
its beaming face

What's sad is this:
If I lie here again
on another lovely night
my star could be gone
the clouds could be out
my face could be wet
I'm worried my star will disappear

Monday, February 1, 2010

Why won't it come out?!?!?

I want to write so badly, but nothing is coming out. Grr. I would dance instead, but at a time like this (10:30pm), that isn't so considerate... I live with a few people. I guess I could bounce around on the floor with my music turned up since they have to love me no matter what, but uh, I think I'll refrain.

Hmm I miss dancing. I think I'll type out something I wrote for my dance ed class.

Dance, to me, is a form of expression. Through it, I am able to use all senses and any form of communication I desire to represent what I am feeling. It involves as much skill as it does passion. Dance is an art form, a science, an equation... Dance is beauty. There is something so organic about using the body and heart together to present something from within to any onlooker. It teaches, absorbs, reflects, changes, simplifies... Dance, to me, is the most natural thing I could ever do. Without it, I would burst. Sometimes you just need a way to get it all out.

"Dance is the only art form wherein we, ourselves, are the stuff of which it is made."
-Havelock Ellis