Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Because of acne

I took a trip to the dermatologist last week. I have fairly serious acne and have frankly been living with it for far too long. I heard about a wonder drug called Acutane that has an insanely high percentage of clearing up acne FOREVER. I'll take some, thank you.

One problem: the government says I need to be on birth control. The medication is so strong that if you get pregnant while you're on it, your baby is guaranteed to have some kind of birth defect. Needless to say, I can see why it's necessary... for sexually active people.

My dermatologist is a physician's assistant, so once I told him that I would like to start Acutane, he had to bring in a legit doctor to back him up. This guy came in and warned me about all the same stuff. He specifically stressed the importance of birth control because, in his words, "Everyone has sex!"

No, everyone does not have sex. I wish I would have stood up for myself in that room, but who would honestly believe that a twenty-year-old girl is not sexually active? That's no excuse, though, and ever since then I've felt extremely guilty about it.

Now, if I needed birth control for a serious medical reason... I'd have nothing wrong with it. But I do not need it. I'm not even close to making babies... I'd kind of need a man around to do that anyway. Why are our standards so low these days? And why on earth can't people control themselves?! It makes me so sad to see the brokenness that ensues when relationships end badly. Sorry to say it, ladies, but most of the time it's because you gave yourself away hoping that it would bring you the fulfillment and "true love" you've been dreaming of.

I have friends who have been there and gone through things like this, and let me tell you, they're all struggling... most of them left alone and so broken. Is there any way that I can make you understand the passionate, unfailing, sweet, and tender love that the Lover of your soul has for you? He loves you more than just a father loves his daughter... He loves you like a groom loves his new bride. He longs for you... just as you long for a man to take away all the loneliness you feel.

THAT is why I don't have sex... because I love my Jesus enough. I can wait until He brings my husband along and until then be fully satisfied in Him and all that He is for me. 

I've recently found out, though, that if I can sign a document saying that I will remain abstinent while on the medication for religious or personal reasons, I don't have to take birth control. I'll fight that to the death... and maybe spread a little Light in the process.