Friday, November 14, 2008

Another sunny day in Paris and Rome... but I wanna go home. I miss you so.

It's amazing how lifted my spirits are now that I've seen people from home. Lissa and the "2nd parents" came to see me today on their way to Pittsburgh. I realize that here in this silly little slippery town I'm not attached to anyone, and the love gets sucked out of me. All happiness gets drained out of my system by the end of a semester and I just want to be HOME... with the people who fill my life to it's fullest with all kinds of wonderfulness. I find myself counting down the days until I get to go home and eat turkey, and even more so the days until I get to be back at home for an entire month! Then I think to myself how awful that actually sounds... I should be having the time of my life at college. I should be soaking in all this information and educational goodness that La Piedra has to offer. Such thoughts never cross my mind though, and I spend my days wishing I were home. I guess this rough stuff just makes it all the more joyous when I am home again for a while.

1 comment:

Another Stone in the Creek said...

no you should not be having the time of your life at should be having the time of your life at home....