Friday, January 8, 2010

I just spent too much

Considering the fact that I just purchased all my textbooks for this upcoming semester, bought a car that I am in the process of paying off, and lost all my convenient cash from my ex-waitressing job... I abhor our green paper. Honestly, I would much prefer borrowing books, sprouting wings to travel about, and forgetting work altogether. Who needs money anyway? Unfortunately, it defines our lives. You really can't argue with the statement; everything we do and live for is surrounded by the burden of small pieces of paper with some random historical pictures on them.

Think about it: You come into this world and get money and gifts for each birthday. Holidays are surrounded by gift-buying and food purchases. You start to get older and a job becomes necessary to save up money for a car. You begin to purchase things for yourself and spend money on gas. Now you're saving up to go to a good college or university. Once you're there, you'll have loans to pay off for the next ten years of your life. While in college, you're preparing yourself for a job in the real world where you'll need to make more money in order to support yourself and possibly a family someday. Let's say you get married... weddings are expensive. Now you've moved out on your own with the love of your life to struggle in the world of things gone wrong. Bills, car payments, repairs, babies... it all costs money. You probably won't see your spouse for a few years; after all, making money is more important and sadly very necessary. Your kids grow up... you pay for their education and birthday gifts and cars and college and well... life goes on. But it's run by money, and I just can't seem to understand how life turned into such a superficial thing.

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