Monday, October 5, 2009

I heard the injury, but did nothing about it.

I miss, but I don't want at all.
So long, free will, I'll see you in a while.
I'd like to, but should I call?
Let's see if my fingers push the buttons.
There's no reason for the muddling.
Or wishing.
I'm just sick of being out of it.

Now, after a long pause,
I miss the keys on the piano.
I'm ever wishing for the chance
To right it all.

My persistent requests get the button of rejection.
That's expected, though.
Scrounging for excuses,
Just to hear again.
There is no reason for this,
So I think I'd like to stop.

But then I hear and sit and listen,
And I fall all over again.

It happened over the course of time.

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