Monday, September 14, 2009

The ever-so-twisted un-fun stories.

I've quite recently come to the conclusion that I really do not like weird, twisted plots... in movies or books or whatever else people like Tim Burton come up with. I've in the past professed to enjoy twisted things like that, but I only noticed tonight how truly strange they make me feel. Why would I put myself through such an uncomfy feeling just for some entertainment?

Sorry, world... but I didn't like Coraline. If you're going to throw any veggies, throw tomatoes. They're soft and taste the best.


Bethany Streng said...

just remember that tim burton did not direct or write coraline;-) which, by the way, i thought was strange, but the production of it was fantastic. but that's coming from a sheerly creative (and technical) side.

Becca Joy said...

I know, I was surprised too when I found out it wasn't him. I don't even know who did Coraline, that's why I related the two :-P