Friday, January 9, 2009

Some soul-searching

In trying to figure out my future these past few days, I've discovered more about myself than an entire lifetime has taught me.

I want a family. Knew that. I want to get out of debt. Knew that. I want to be at home. Knew that. I want to leave work at work. New one. I want to help people. New one. I only want to dance for the Lord, not as my career. New one. I want to work with youth. New one. I want to organize and help in areas that don't have much help and organization. New one. I want to give myself fully to the work of the Lord, whatever that may be. Knew that... but never accepted it.

All these new realizations have consequently made me think about the decisions I've made thus far. I highly recommend soul-searching for all of you. Take a few days and just talk... talk about what you want. What you don't want. What God wants. Pray. Seek Him, seek Him, seek Him!

1 comment:

Southern Blood said...

Right on, Rock Star! And mroe power to ya!

Peace and Blessings,
-William Robert Stoy, IV