Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sitting here.

Drinking a delectable cup of caramel frozen coffee.

Wondering why God takes good things away from us.
I've finished my drink, and yet I have no answer.
My heart aches.

My drink is gone.

And still.

I have no answer.

Dedicated to all the strong and broken women

who have lost their little ones,

whatever the cause may be.


Brooke Fontoura said...

Maybe you should try green tea soy lattes instead. It could enlighten ya.

All joking aside (though I am so amazing at it), I love you oh so much, my dearest. I've been praying for ya. You can get through this. You're much too strong :)

And if you wanna laugh some more, the word verification for this comment is "nongi". Haha. Funny to say.

Elissa Michelle said...

Oh how I wish you and I could sit down on your couch with some pomegranate green tea and talk about life. It's sounds like a very cleansing experience for the both of us ;). I love and adore you.